Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Round-Up: May 19

Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email.

HODIE: ante diem quartum decimum Kalendas Iunias. You can add a Roman calendar as a widget in your blog or webpage, or display it as a Google Calendar: here's how.


Heri Hodie Cras Podcast: Today's audio podcast is Latin Via Proverbs: Group 85, which features this saying for those of you not yet on summer vacation... Revocat aurora laborem. (The dawn revives the workday).


You can get access to all the proverb of the day scripts (also available as random proverb scripts) at the SchoolhouseWidgets.com website.

Proverbiis Pipilo: You can see my Twitter feed of Latin proverbs which I "tweet" while I am online each day (in English, too). Here's a recent one about the joys of the simple life: Humilis nec alte cadere nec graviter potest (English: A humble person falls not far, nor with a big crash).

Audio Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's audio Latin proverb is Abyssus abyssum invocat (English: Deep calls to deep - a saying ultimately derived from the Bible, but which has come to take on quite new meanings out of that context). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.

Proverbium Perbreve of the Day: Today's two-word proverb is Priscis credendum (English: The old ones are to be trusted - this could mean the people of ancient times, or the things of ancient times; the Latin adjective embraces both meanings, which is harder for us to manage in English).

Proverbium Breve of the Day: Today's three-word proverb is Dis aliter visum (English: It seemed otherwise to the gods... the idea being that we might be surprised by what happens in the world - not having the gods' understanding of it all).

Vulgate Verse of the Day: Today's verse is Habitabit lupus cum agno (Isaiah 11:6). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.

Latin Animal Proverb of the Day: Today's animal proverb is Parva volucris non ova magna parit (English: A small bird does not lay big eggs - so, keep your expectations reasonable!).

Proper Name Proverb of the Day: Today's proper name proverb is Thessala mulier (English: a woman of Thessaly... which is to say, a woman you better watch out for: the Thessalian women were proverbial witches in the ancient world; take Lucan's Erichtho, for example).

Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ὀυ δύνασαι Θέτιδος καὶ Γαλατείας ἐρᾷν (English: You cannot be in love with both Thetis and Galatea - a proverb that is also a subject for emblem-makers). If you look at the Greek Proverb of the Day widget, you'll see it comes with a Latin translation, too.


AESOP OF SYNTIPAS - IN LATIN. One of my very favorite collections of fables in Greek is the one attributed to Syntipas - and thanks to GoogleBooks, I have found a lovely Latin version of that collection. You can find all 60 fables here now, transcribed, with links to both the Greek texts and also to English translations: Latin-Syntipas. Enjoy!

Fable of the Day: Today's fable of the day from Barlow's Aesop is DE ACCIPITRE COLUMBAM INSEQUENTE (the story of the hawk who chased a dove, and was himself caught). You can use the Javascript to include the fable of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - meanwhile, to find out more about today's fable, visit the Ning Resource Page for this fable, where you will find links to the text, commentary, and a discussion board for questions and comments.

Florilegium Fabularum: I'm working my way, slowly but surely, through the amazing collection of fables by Irenaeus published in 1666. Today's fable is De Aquila et Cornicula, the story of the crow who tricked the eagle out of a meal. Here's an illustration for the fable (image source) from a 1521 edition of Aesop:

Aesop's Fables in Latin now available at Amazon.com.